Call me now at (817) 601-5740.

Or fill out the form below and I will call you within 24 hours.

Sell Your House In Just ONE Week From Today!

In order for us to determine what we can offer you for your house, we will need you to fill out the information form below.

Submitting this form will give us enough information so we can contact you and quickly give you the answers that you need, without wasting too much of your time.

Please fill out all of the fields that are marked with the red asterisk. These fields are necessary to accurately determine what offers we can give you.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for contacting us. We will contact you as soon as we determine what we can offer, usually within 24 -48 hours.

1FirstNameFirst Name: * 100 0text
1LastNameLast Name: * 100 0text
1EmailAddressEmail Address: * 110 0text
1PhoneNumberPhone Number: * 100 0text
1PropertyStreetProperty Street Address: * 100 0text
1PropertyCityProperty City: * 100 0text
1PropertyStateProperty State: * 100 0text
1PropertyZipProperty Zip: * 100 0text
1AskingPriceAsking/Selling Price: * 100 0Currency
1AppraisedValueEstimated Appraised Value: * 100 0Currency
1ReasonSellingReason For Selling: * 500 0text
1MortgageBalancesTotal Mortgage Balances: * 100 0Currency
1MortgagePaymentsTotal Mortgage Payments: * 100 0Currency
1Bedrooms# Bedrooms: * 100 0Number
1Bathrooms# Bathrooms: * 100 0Number
1SqFootageApproximate Sq Ft: * 100 0Number
1RepairsNeededDoes the house need any repairs: * 500 0Text
1OccupiedIs the house vacant or occupied: * 300Vacant Occupied1Text
0AdditionalCommentsAdditional Comments, Descriptions: 500 0text
Required [*]
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